Monday, March 7, 2011

Terrariums for Periwinkle
This little green thumbed women whom I love very much happens to also have the biggest and most sweetest heart this side of the Hudson. So big that she let me park on her futon for a month while witnessing my apartment struggles.

These precious jared gems are evidence of her dearest passion for botany and tiny treasures. She would also like the future customers to understand that her cat, Earl, aka Squirrel tries his hardest to knock anything and everything off it's proper place. Baskets, cereal boxes, blenders, book shelves you name it, he wants it down. So keep in mind that in order to keep these handsome guys standing tall- weighed alot on her efforts.

Hopefully you can look forward to more Terrariums on her future website. Please contact her with requests!

"The Rebecca"

"The Hayley Oakes"

"The Heller"

"The Samantha Moss"

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